杰西·H. 琼斯商学院 MBA ETS退出考试 is designed to assess students’ ability to demonstrate knowledge of business content areas (marketing, 管理, 金融, 和管理会计), 战略整合技能, as well as measure critical thinking ability.


MBA students must take the exit exam during their semester of graduation. It is suggested that students review sample test questions provided below:




The Student Accessibility Services Office at 德克萨斯南方大学 is committed to providing an accessible and supportive environment for students with disabilities. The Student Accessibility Services Office and the 杰西H. 琼斯商学院 work collaboratively to ensure that students are provided with appropriate accommodations to fulfill the MBA ETS退出考试 requirement.

To request accommodations for a disability, students must visit the 残疾人服务 website as soon as possible to register by following the 5-Step Process for Accessing Accommodations Services. Note: Approximately 4-6 weeks is required for processing upon the submission of a complete file. 学生 must present an accommodations letter to Dr. Zahid Iqbal, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Assessment, two-weeks prior to testing.


毕业需要参加ETS毕业考试吗?  Open
How will I be notified about the ETS Exit Exam?  Open
What testing format can I expect and how much testing time is required for the MBA ETS退出考试?  Open
How will the ETS Exit Exam be administered and what should I expect on test day?  Open
允许测试辅助工具吗??  Open

问题可以直接问Dr. Zahid Iqbal, Associate Dean of Accreditation and Assessment, Zahid.Iqbal@google-glassware.com or 713-313-7737.



Prospective graduating MBA students will be notified of exit exam testing and registration dates via email. 学生 will complete the registration form below to sign-up for an MBA ETS退出考试 testing date/time. Exams are administered every fall, spring, and summer semester. Note: If a student expected to complete graduation requirements earlier and has already tested, 学生 不 必须再测试一次.

Spring 2024 Undergraduate ETS Exit Exam Sessions :

2024年4月13日星期六上午9:00.m. – 12:30 p.m.) -虚拟会话

2024年4月15日星期一(下午1:30 - 5:00.m.) -虚拟会话

2024年4月16日星期二上午9:00.m. – 12:30 p.m.) -虚拟会话



Registration opens on Friday, March 18, 2024.

Registration closes on Thursday, March 28, 2024.